Latest News – September 13: SBFN hosted its 8th Global Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

IFC and IFRS Announce Partnership to Improve Sustainability Reporting in Emerging Markets

June 27, 2024- IFC, a host of the Sustainable Banking and Finance Network (SBFN) Secretariat, and the IFRS Foundation have officially signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen sustainable capital markets by improving sustainability and climate reporting.

The partnership will leverage SBFN and IFC’s Beyond the Balance Sheet program to create a concerted effort to promote sustainability and climate reporting in order to enhance sustainable finance in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs).

To achieve this, the partnership will focus on building the capacity, developing joint approaches to disclosure, toolkits, and guiding materials anchored in the activities of the SBFN Data and Disclosure Working Group.

For more information, read the press release.