Latest News – September 13: SBFN hosted its 8th Global Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2017 Sustainable Banking Network 5th Global Meeting - USA

Location: Washington, DC, USA

Date: October 2017

The 5th Annual Meeting of the Sustainable Banking Network (SBN) took place at the headquarters of IFC, part of the World Bank Group, in Washington D.C. on October 16th and 17th , 2017.

The meeting brought together approximately 100 participants representing financial sector regulators, industry associations, and leading global experts from 30 countries. The IFC-supported SBN is the global knowledge and capacity building platform for emerging market financial sector regulators and banking associations to learn and exchange experiences in designing and implementing national frameworks for sustainable finance.

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Venue: IFC Auditorium, 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC

DAY ONE – October 16, 2017

Panel 1: Leadership Panel: From Vision to Action

Panel 2: Defining, Measuring and Reporting Sustainable Finance Progress

Panel 3: ESG Risks and Returns

Panel 4: Financing Opportunities in Sustainability and Launch of “Green Bond
Working Group”

Reflection of Day One and Ideas for the Future